Why the Willow Tree?
When I started the Pleasant Law Firm, I chose the willow tree as the main image of our logo for several reasons. I have a friend who I shared the logo with before we even opened our doors and her first thought was, “I don’t really think the name Pleasant and the weeping willow really go together.” So, I wanted to take a few paragraphs to explain.
First of all, for about five years we lived in a house near 98th and Slide, and we had a big, beautiful willow tree in our back yard. It was the tallest tree in the neighborhood. I loved to watch that tree blow in the Lubbock wind on summer nights and to see icicles form on it during our coldest winter mornings. It was so graceful and beautiful, and I was sad to leave it when we moved. Ever since then, I have loved and admired willow trees.
Second, many of the clients who come to meet with me are often going through some of the hardest and saddest times of their lives. Whether they are having to probate the estate of a lost loved one, gain guardianship of a loved one who has lost mental capacity or are quickly trying to get their estate planning documents in order because of recent diagnosis or life changing event, the weeping willow symbolizes the state of many of the people I serve. Now of course, I love to help people before they are in a stage of crisis or grief as well, but often that is not the case.
Finally, the tag line of the firm is “with deep roots comes purposeful planning, strength and support”. To me the willow tree is a symbol of my faith. My roots of faith run deep, and it is from my love of Jesus that overflows my love for others. I am human and not perfect by any means, but I strive to love everyone who walks through my door and be kind always. As I serve clients, my goal is to listen to them first, and then walk-through solutions that meet their individual situation by offering purposeful planning, a voice of wisdom, and sincere support.
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is like it: “love your neighbor as yourself”. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40.